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" Jacqulyn Buglisi's creative work embodies the power of the modern form and brings to life testaments to the essence of humanity in our era. Her leadership and vision in creating the Table of Silence Project 9/11 is a shining model of citizen artistry for our students and for all of us." 

- Damian Woetzel, President, Juilliard School


"Along with the Empire State Building, The Statue of Liberty, and Central Park -icons of this our city, you Jacqulyn and your Table of Silence Project are forever a celebration of the human spirit, dance, the voice, the art of ritual, and myth. It's why I add it to alist of reasons 'why to  live in New York City'. Brava to you! And to all the dancers and people you have inspired."
-Jacques d'Amboise, Founder, National Dance Institute, Former Principal Dancer New York City Ballet


"On September 11th at 8:00 o’clock in the morning every year I am at the Lincoln Center with Matilda Cuomo, and many other friends to watch over 100 dancers, all dressed in white creating a very special space in the middle of the noisy and crowded city. This is the Table of Silence."

- Consul General of Italy in New York, Natalia Quintavalle


"I watched the piece yesterday and was so moved, blown away!  It is so beautiful and hit just the right tone.  Huge congratulations for all the work to produce this meaningful work of art." - Gloria McLean, President, American Dance Guild


"There is something very magical in my yearly immersion into the Table of Silence on 9/11. As the master of the bell since its inception, this calling amidst this vibrant and passionate community of dancers is very moving for me."

- Terese Capucilli, Juilliard Faculty, Associate Founder of Buglisi Dance Theatre


"It was absolutely amazing…I was mesmerized by such a solemn choreographic tribute to everyone we lost at 9/11. The powerful gestures, the repetitious walks, the circular pathways, the patterns of movement sequences, the sounds, the space... everything worked together to convey a sense of respect and community. Congratulations to you, the dancers and your team. I certainly look forward to seeing it again next year."

- Ana Nery Fragoso, Director of Dance, Office of Arts & Special Projects, NYC Department of Education


"…unforgettable morning performance … still hear the sounds of the conch … and feel the dancers presence … I was so  glad to begin this day of remembrance, sharing and being part of this wonderful tribute."

-Terri Gold, Photographer


"We remember. Thank you, Buglisi Theatre."

-Blackbird Dance, Live Stream viewer


"I was stunned, moved and moved some more - all day and I am sure for days. Thank you for making the beauty happen, so solemn, so powerful, so memorable....."

- Naomi Goldberg Haas, Dances For A Variable Population


"We at Broadway Dance Center are so honored to be part of this profound tribute. Thank you for including us and for continuing to present this vital event. As I watched this year I realized that some of my dancers were only six on 9/11, and as the years go on I think it will continue to be such a powerful way for them to learn about our city -- many of them have just moved here, of course, and it's an amazing way for them to connect with our past. But most importantly, it's a way for all of us to manifest a peaceful future where such atrocities are a distant memory. Blessings on all of you there!"

-Bonnie Erickson, Broadway Dance Center


"It was quite magnificent, to say the least… rather extraordinary.  I hear the show mentioned later in the day on NPR. I hope good things come out of today's truly incredible effort. Well done!"

-Phyllis Newman, Spectator on the Plaza


"Thanks...words fail."

-Hallie Rehwaldt, Live Stream viewer


"As you may know, my husband, Andrew, has Alzheimer's. Last Wednesday, out of nowhere, he asked what time we were leaving on Thursday morning for the 9/11 show?  How remembered! That's amazing. His Home Attendant brought him. He thought it was the best one yet! He's been to all of them, and he thought this year was the best. Thank you everyone for all your hard work in bringing this remarkable event onto the Plaza. Every bit of light and energy that we can send out to the Universe really does make a difference. As Jacque says, "if we can, we must!"

-Kitty Lunn, Infinity Dance Theater


"We are dancing with you in spirit."

-Tadej Brdnik, Martha Graham Dance Company


"I wasn't able to partake in the performance this year, but I was able to view live and be a part of it as an audience member. It was beautiful and moving as always and will continue to inspire many around the globe. Thank you and congratulations to all involved!"

- Courtney Castriotta, TOS Dancer


"Congratulations for another beautiful Table of Silence. It is as moving every time I see it.  As soon as the dancers enter the space in silence, it creates a vast emotional space within. The whole process is very moving and the sound of the pounding drum and voices resonate long after the Angels dissipate. Inger were very moved too, she couldn't talk for a few minutes after all the angels dissipated."

-Virginie Mecene, BDT Principal Dancer, Martha Graham Dance Company, Graham II, Artistic Director


"Thinking of the amazing Jacqulyn Buglisi and her Table of Silence Project which I was honored to be a dancer in last year. I found it to be an incredible way to reflect upon what happened on that sunny September 11, 2001 and how powerful the arts can be. Today and every day, it's important to use the power of the arts to help people heal, express, come together, and move on."

-Carolyn Paine, TOS Dancer


"Dear Jackie, thank you so much for inviting me to perform with your company for table of silence project. It was an honor and I hope to work with you again. My friends and family thought the performance was beautiful."

-Danielle Fusco, TOS Dancer


"I am writing to thank you for the many gifts you have given me in working with you this summer. Participating in The Table of Silence Project, was an unexplainable experience that gave me a communal experience, rather than an individual task which most work I have done has offered. It has also helped my inner self feel more at peace with the tragedy of 9/11, which has been an issue difficult to deal with since that day."

-Suzanne Pomonarenko, BDT Dancer


"My family and friends have loved watching and sharing with me the experience of prayer in dance with so many.  For me it was the perfect closure to the 9/11 experience that had caused much grief, pain and anger - I connected with the project at a level that I never thought I could and felt a moment of complete surrender and elevation seated there under the glory of the rising sun amidst my fellow dancers with my arms raised - a moment I will treasure forever."

-Mala Desai, TOS Dancer


"Just wanted to write and say how absolutely moving it was to be a part of Table of Silence. To be a part of a community of artists that come together to put their minds and spirits towards the common good, towards the energetic healing of an event that took a gash out of humanity, was something that I can't value enough. This is why I am an artist, so thank you."

-Elizabeth McGuire, TOS Dancer


"This project is very meaningful to me because I was in the process of rehearsing another site-specific performance in Lincoln Center 10 years ago when 9/11 happened. It is important to celebrate life after this tragedy, especially now that I am bringing new life into this world with my baby. Remember and send a peace message in the world. “Be the change you want in the world.”

-Caron Eule, TOS Dancer


"Beautiful, Jacque and dancers! I missed doing TOS this year! I just returned from out of town but was able to catch the end. What a gift to the city & us all. Thank you!"

-Erin Jennings, TOS Dancer


"Joined with the Art of Dance it was very emotive experience for me combined with mixed feelings of love, sadness and joy.....It was a spiritual connection of brotherhood and fraternity all in unity raising a prayer to Universe for the world peace. Thank you again for give me the opportunity to participate in this event."

-Marina Del’elmo, TOS Dancer


"When one engages over 120 dancers to express their compassion and belief in world peace....It is not the simple gesture but the passionate commitment and the spirit of the individual behind the movement that makes the expression profoundly beautiful.. The Viewer is caught in their vulnerability and taken on the journey."

-Live Stream viewer


"Breathtaking! So blessed that my daughter, Alexa Dysart, was a part of this beautiful tribute!"

-Live Stream viewer


"Beautiful tribute to 9/11 in the spirit of peace."

-Live Stream viewer


"This was wonderful. Most respectful and a beautiful prayer for peace. It was great to be able to watch this from Florida."

-Live Stream viewer


"Thank you for streaming this - it means a lot to share this as I could not be in NYC today. Blessings and peace to all."

-Live Stream viewer


"Beautiful...such a wonderful remembrance. Peace and blessings."

-Live Stream viewer


"Thank you so much. It was wonderful to be able see this from afar."

-Live Stream viewer 




What a profound experience to be part of this artistic and cultural legacy and to be able to express how important peace, healing, and community are for our planet. Through movement fresh air, and ritual, we connect to all beings- past, present and future.

- Grace Sautter, BDT apprentice and TOS 2023 Dancer


The Table of Silence Project is very special to me because it is a symbol of peace and hope. Humanity is faced with adversities and tragedies every single day. It only takes one breath and one voice to be a beacon of light for someone. Table of Silence allows me to be part of this movement towards unity. With every step we take, we are slowly weaving and healing ourselves and therefore, society.

- Kate Reyes, BDT Company Member and TOS Dancer


Table of Silence is an incredibly spiritual and emotional experience honoring the lives lost in 9/11. The yearning, fight and sturggle, embodied in the movement is a reminder of the power of an artist and why we dance. Dancing with a community of people for the cause of peace, and honoring innocent lives lost is a visceral feeling that is not matched by any other piece of choreography.

- Jai Perez, BDT Company Member and TOS Dancer 


I believe the Table of Silence Project is an integral part of our community to bring forth the importance of dance in conversation for Peace. Dance is a powerful tool/medium that has a tremendous impact to make a difference in the world. As a classical Indian and modern dancer for the last 15 years, my vision is to build a community of empathy, compassion, inclusivity & belonging. I believe the Table of Silence Project is bringing that vision to life, therefore I would be sincerely grateful to be part of it.

-Nimisha Mahiyaria 



 “Your Table of Silence Project is extraordinary and poetic! I was overwhelmed by the massive accomplishment in the plaza and its inherent beauty. A very meaningful dance experience in the public realm.  A loving tribute to the tragedy of 9/11 through the performing arts. With gratitude for all of your creative and producing efforts to make it part or our lives here in New York City.”  - Joseph Melillo, Executive Producer, Brooklyn Academy of Music 


"You are leading the dance field in a new and innovative direction.” -Karen Kincaid, Managing Director, Capital Campaign, Lincoln Center


"This year the performance started under dark cloudy skies but almost as if the heavens heard the prayers, within 20 minutes, the clouds gave way to blue sunny skies. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if peace in the world could unfold that magically? As the performance ended, a tune played in my head - The Age of Aquarius by the Fifth Dimension. Let the Sunshine In." - Darial Sneed, Blogger

"Today, while photographing a rehearsal of Jacqulyn Buglisi's "Table of Silence" for the 5th year in a row, I realized how the principles of my Intimate Portrait project were so similar to the principles of the "Table of Silence"... peace, love, joint meditation, soul searching, and sharing your physical space with others. Being part of both experiences has changed me as a person."

- Paul B. Goode, Paul B. Goode Photography


"It was truly memorable and important to experience and I hope this is a community our future students can belong to as well. Thank you for your organization and clear communication throughout the process. Special thanks to Jacqulyn for bringing her creative, poetic vision to fruition year after year. I am so glad family, friends, and strangers alike could share in the collective moment through the live stream and that the power and the weight of the message of peace carried across state and country-lines. Peaceful and appreciative well wishes." - Mindy Upin Jackson, Director of Professional Training Programs, Steps on Broadway, Table of Silence 2015 Participant


"I wanted to thank you for the wonderful experience of peace and humanity you presented yesterday.  I am looking at the program at this moment [at] that beautiful hopeful photo of shared human grace and yet in the background the TV news is telling the horrible story of tragedy that happened even while your presentation was begging for peace and brotherhood.  I am very thankful that you have the courage to speak for the better elements of the human spirit and honored to be privileged to help your efforts in any small way. Thank you."

-Rosemary Carey, National Dance Institute


"The event today was a wonderful and very inspiring!! So beautiful!! What I experienced "live" as opposed to video was the dust on the faces of the dancers, which really had a profound emotional impact!! Congratulations on this grand success and for doing this on behalf of the entire NYC dance community."

-Kathryn Sullivan, Ballet Faculty, Barnard College; Columbia University


"Waking up and performing the ritual of Table of Silence among dozens of dancers and onlookers will stay with me for years to come. This dancing meditation created a point in time which was designated to remembering and honoring the people's lives we have lost and their families who mourn, and space to pray for peace. A sense of empowerment arose within me as one person within a sea of dancers robed in white, using our own vehicle of expression to pay tribute to humanity."

-Jaclyn Rea, TOS Dancer


"Our Table of Silence Project is not just for New York or to honor any one day or one group of people. We share the September 11 Table of Silence with the world, via free livestream. Friends from around the world tell Buglisi Dance Theatre that they participate in the Table of Silence in their homes, schools, and public spaces. We are becoming a global tradition of peace."

-BDT Dancer


"Being a part of Table Of Silence was an incredible experience.  I feel truly blessed to have been a part of something beautiful, that not only raises awareness to those less fortunate, but be able to give a voice to those who can't express their opinions freely..  Every step forward towards peace is one step closer to unity for humanity."

-Theressa Cao, TOS Dancer


"To the Buglisi Dance Company, Thank you for this beautiful experience. It has helped me find more peace within myself as well as strengthening myself as a dancer, and moreover a person. It was great to connect with others on a deeper level … and create peace and love through dance. God bless you all."

-Julia Biera, TOS Dancer


"Dear Ms. Buglisi, Thank you for the beautiful message and, especially, for the beautiful experience. All the best."

-Alejandra Iannone, TOS Dancer


"Thank you Jacqulyn for this opportunity; it was a wonderful and powerful experience. I would love to be part of it next year."

-Gali Dotan, TOS Dancer


"It was a pleasure and an honor to perform at the fountain on 9/11 in the Table of Silence Project. …Performing in Table of Silence was a tribute to my colleagues at the Port Authority who worked at the Twin Towers and who never had the opportunity to publicly grieve for their lost friends and colleagues. Many had shared with me their private grief and pain.  For them, I took on the responsibility of making sure they had a voice to cry out against the terror that stunned them into silence on that horrible day. It was a very personal, solemn experience and I am so thankful to Buglisi Dance Theater for allowing me to take part in the project."

-Veronica Dunlap, TOS Dancer


"Thank you so much for the amazing experience! For me the Table of Silence was the experience of cultivating a part of our generations rich dance history. To have 100+ dancers show up from all walks of life (Buglisi Dance, Julliard School, Ailey, Graham, musical theatre, actors...) for rehearsals and the final performance is extremely powerful. People who had never met before, people who may pass each other unknowingly on the street or subway every day, were united through Jacqulyn Buglisi's powerful choreography of 100+ dancers moving in unison to a drum beat, our inner metronome, our hearts. They were moments of reflection, relief, and prayer. I am very thankful to have participated in a movement that sent those intentions into the world for past, present, and future generations. Humanity is important, we shouldn't forget we are all in this great big world together, which is what I believe The Table of Silence reminds us."

-Jocelyn Montoya, TOS Dancer


"Participating in the Table of Silence Project was a wonderful experience. Apart from working with Jackie and her company, which was a pleasure, it was an honor to be able to perform outdoors in Lincoln Center, one of my favorite places in the city. There was a lovely sense of community within the large group and, as a lifelong New Yorker, being a part of this ritual felt like some small way for me to give back to the city I love so dearly."

-Sophie Bromberg, TOS Dancer


"Being a part of "Table of Silence" made me feel I gave voice through movement and dance to those victims who could and families who still cannot speak for themselves. The silence we displayed is that calm peace we as humans strive to achieve in our walk of life."

-Shawn Cortel, TOS Dancer


"In this ritual, we hear the drums, we strike the ground with our heels, we hit the air with our palms and we energize the space around us.  We tap into the universal sense of suffering and realize that after death comes rebirth, because it always has and it always will."

-Lindsay Poulis, TOS Dancer 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


"What a wonderful tribute this was. My soul was stirred, my eyes overflowed as did my heart seeing so many remembering is somber sacred silence, the day that changed us forever. Thank you Jacqulyn Buglisi and all the participants of TABLE OF SILENCE."

-Shaun Parry, TOS Dancer


"Dear Jacqulyn, Thank you again for letting me jump on board for the Table of Silence. It was wonderful opportunity to come to New York and feel so supported by you and your company members. Besides feeling very connected to the other dancers and musicians in our pursuit to offer up our art, I felt very present in the experience with the audience members as well. This piece of work truly is one that invites the audience members and performers alike to relinquish the personal, and commands an expansion into our interwoven existence as the universal one. Deep thanks again for your work that implements a higher consciousness in our dance world and beyond. The Table of Silence is informative to performer and audience in how an individual can focus their own energy and power to affect peace internally and in their external environment, but when many individuals come together drawing on a common intention for tolerance and love, their powers combine, the tangibility of this effect expands broad, wide, up, and down."

-Bonnie Crotzer, TOS Dancer


I was so aware that, gifted by Jacqulyn’s concept and choreography, every person involved was contributing their movement and their spirits to this amazing whole. During the performance, I was overwhelmed, and brought to tears at times, by the enormity of the message, the flow of the dancers and musicians around the plaza, the mingling through and around unsuspecting onlookers, the piercing ringing of the bell, the profoundly deep sounds and voices of the singers…And then the moment came, and we all sat with our heads, arms, and hearts raised to the sky…and the sun came out from behind the dark clouds, and the church bells rang. It was truly a moment I will always remember.

– Heidi Knecht-Seegers , TOS 2015 Dancer


I had the honor of participating in the Table of Silence, and it is an experience that will stay with me forever. The entire experience was remarkable from the first rehearsal to the very last step taken on the plaza. I encourage everyone to participate or make the trip to view this live. While performing it's as though the whole world stands still even though there is so much chaos going on right around us. It brings you so much inner peace, which is what this entire world needs at such a troublesome time. Thank You to Jacqulyn and everyone us who makes this possible.

– Adriana, ToS 2015 Dancer






I believe that the Table of Silence encompasses the love of all beings and the practice to the work moves in soft waves with an essential effort towards the transcending quality of understanding each other. I appreciate the effort of Jacqu'es and all those who brought us this masterpiece. 

- Brenda Baden-Semper, TOS Dancer


I feel compelled and honored to be part of a project that shares such a powerful message of unity, hope, resilience, and the power of humanity.

- Rosetta Fair, TOS Dancer


I believe in being a peacemaker. In a world overflowing with contention and tribulation, standing as a source of peace is more valuable than ever. Dance is a beautiful medium to illustrate this. 

- Annabelle Bowman, TOS 2023 Dancer 


Despite being born a month out from 9/11, the events of that day and their subsequent ripples throughout my life have been lasting. The pain caused that day not only sent shockwaves through the city and the world, but also through my family. My great uncle, Minoru Yamasaki, was the head architect on the towers, and thus 9/11 also had a significant presence in my upbringing. Doing the Table of Silence allows me a moment each year to feel connected to my family, the towers, my city, and those who lost their lives. It lets me dedicate a moment for reflection and meditation- to appreciate those surrounding me and to find solace with movement. 

- Isabella Pagano, BDT Company Member and TOS Dancer


I believe in the power of the community, together we can make the difference and one step at a time we can change this world.

- Maria Carmen Falivene, TOS 2023 Dancer


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